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Corporate Counseling

Corporate life brings stress, tension, anxiety, self-doubts, impacts your personal life and much more. Counselling can help manage and discover your emotions related to your job or work or any workplace stressors. As per studies 7 in 10 Indians experience stress at work on weekly basis. Continuous exposure to stress can lead to many unwelcomed physical and emotional issues.

The 2023 Health on Demand report which surveyed over 17,500 employees in 16 markets across the globe, including more than 5,200 employees from Asia, highlights the need to address burnout by ensuring psychological safety in the workplace. The employers are adopting a comprehensive and inclusive benefits strategy. This includes measures such as offering benefits like mental health treatment and training to tackle mental health challenges. Improving employees’ mental health requires innovative benefits and solutions. (PeopleMatters).

The primary goal of corporate counselling is to assist employees in dealing with various issues and to enhance their mental and emotional resilience. These issues can include stress, anxiety, depression, relationship problems, work-life balance, substance abuse, grief, and other personal or professional challenges.

Corporate counselling is important for several reasons:

Employee well-being: Corporate counselling prioritizes the mental health and well-being of employees. It acknowledges that employees face various personal and work-related challenges that can impact their emotional and psychological state. By providing counselling services, organizations show their commitment to supporting the overall well-being of their employees.

Increased productivity: When employees are dealing with personal or work-related difficulties, it can affect their job performance, productivity, and engagement. Corporate counselling aims to address these challenges and provide employees with the necessary support to overcome obstacles, manage stress, and maintain focus on their work responsibilities. By addressing underlying issues, counselling can help improve productivity and job satisfaction.

Reduced absenteeism and turnover: Mental health issues, stress, and personal problems can lead to increased absenteeism and employee turnover. By offering counselling services, organizations provide employees with a resource to address these issues proactively, which can reduce the likelihood of extended absences or employees leaving the organization. Counselling can help employees navigate through difficult periods and improve their ability to cope with challenges, ultimately contributing to a more stable and committed workforce.

Improved work environment: Corporate counselling contributes to creating a positive and supportive work environment. By promoting mental health awareness, reducing stigma, and offering counselling services, organizations foster a culture that values employee well-being and encourages open communication. This can lead to increased employee satisfaction, stronger teamwork, and better relationships within the workplace.

Positive employer branding: Organizations that prioritize employee well-being and offer counselling services can enhance their employer branding. It demonstrates that they value their employees and are invested in their overall happiness and success. This can attract and retain top talent, as potential employees are more likely to choose companies that demonstrate a genuine commitment to employee well-being.

Overall, corporate counselling is important because it recognizes the significance of mental health in the workplace and provides a supportive framework to address challenges, enhance employee well-being, and foster a healthy work environment.


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